Elisa Annie Aquilanti
Project Title: Identification of self-renewal- and differentiation-regulating genes in normal and malignant neural stem cells through functional genetic studies.
Medical Institution: Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University (Year 2)
Fellowship Institution: Harvard Medical School
Research Fields: Cell Biology, Cancer Research
Mentor: DePinho, Ronald A.
Courtney Pendleton
Project Title: Hypoxia and chemoattraction in genetically engineered adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells: migration and homing to human-derived glioblastomas.
Medical Institution: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Year 3)
Fellowship Institution: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Research Fields: Neuroscience, Molecular Biology, Neuro-Oncology
Mentor: Quinones-Hinojosa, Alfredo
Co-mentor: Levchenko, Andre
Linda Chen
Project Title: Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (amsc): anti-tumor effect and fate in the glioma microenvironment project.
Medical Institution: Duke University School of Medicine (Year 2)
Fellowship Institution: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Research Fields: Neuroscience; Biomedical Engineering; Molecular Biology
Mentor: Quinones-Hinojosa, Alfredo
Co-mentor: Gilad, Assaf A.
David James Voce
Project Title: NF-kB1-p50 and the response of gliomas to temozolomide
medical institution.
Medical Institution: University of Chicago Division of the Biological Sciences and Pritzker School of Medicine (Year 2)
Fellowship Institution: University of Chicago Division of the Biological Sciences and Pritzker School of Medicine
Research Fields: Neuroscience, Oncology
Mentor: Yamini, Bakhtiar
Co-mentor: Khodarev, Nikolai N.
Gurvinder Kaur
Project Title: Role of complement activation in glioma proliferation.
Medical Institution: University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine (Year 3)
Fellowship Institution: University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine
Research Fields: Immunology; Molecular Biology; Oncology
Mentor: Parsa, Andrew T.